Monday, July 7, 2014

A father's day of sorts.


Radio silence has been broken.  It was initiated mostly because the last week or so have been rather... busy? There really is no excuse that would be adequate or sound like anything other than a "whoops" so I won't insult your intelligence.

I had the rather immense pleasure this last Friday (the 4th) to spend the day with my son and to give my wife a much needed day of rest.  I hear that she watched a lot of stuff and napped, so that was a success.  We went to a park that we had never played in before.  It had large shades covering the play area so we could romp in the 100+ degree day without getting a sunburn.  Plenty of water was had by all.  I would like to go back to this park because it had a nice stream with a duck family and several more play areas and climbing walls.

Its been recently where I've started to see glimpses of the man my child might become.  Hints in his face, small mannerisms that he has picked up from family.  The apparent never ending stretching of his limbs.

He will be four in less than two weeks.  He will have a sibling in less than ten.

I am only rarely scared of what might happen with them.

However it is days like the 4th that give me comfort.  We played, we watched a fun movie together (Mr Peabody and Sherman), we ate and talked and played some more.  I think that even if I go early then he has something to remember me by, something pleasant.  Days like today as well.  As soon as I got home he insisted that Mommy and I go swimming with him.  Afterwords I made dinner and we tucked Mommy into bed before I tucked him in.  He is a good boy.  A good helper.  In him I understand my parents more.  What they went through to get me to where I am.

It's days like these that keep me going.  

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