Monday, September 15, 2014

A moment,

I don't know sometimes what to make of the world.

Over the weekend a young black man was shot by the local police, several times.  From behind.  According to what I read there are witnesses that state the man was running away from the police.  He was also cosplaying at the time and part of his costume was a dummy sword.  Meanwhile there are white old dudes going around with guns openly carried and complaining quite loudly about the people that are uncomfortable with them doing so.

As I grow older I find that I have a larger aversion to guns than I used to have.  I think it is due to shootings like the one above.  Someone, regardless of whatever circumstances there are, decided that the easiest way to end it was with one or several bullets.  Not a taser or pepper spray, handcuffs or backup.  Just lead.  I don't have words for how exactly I feel about this.

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