Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Utah, not as oppressive as it used to be.

Well, not all of Utah anyway.

I am writing of course about the Supreme Courts non-action regarding the appeal our local government tossed against the ruling that decided gay marriage bans were unconstitutional.  Our AG and Governor fumbled about quite badly following that decision as our AG was being arrested for bribery or somesuch.  It has been... interesting to say the least.

With the Court deciding not even to look at the appeal it essentially means that those that were married on Dec. 20th are still married, legally and binding as any other contract.  (side note, my wife and I also have a Dec. 20th anniversary.  It will be interesting to try and get a dinner date now).  Utah, specifically Salt Lake City has been more LGBTQ friendly in the past decade and this ruling helps a couple of couples I know feel better about life in general.  Good times.

It is interesting though, Its been like a day since it has become fully legal and I don't feel a need to leave my family and gay marry someone.  It's like I was being lied to when some prominent pontificators proclaimed profusely persistent platters of perpetual peril if something like this happened.

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