Thursday, June 12, 2014

Musing and the initial Art-O-Gram

I've started an unofficial goal.

In working towards writing a children's book or two I have to improve upon on my art and my writing.  DUH, right?  This blog, this vent, can provide outlet for both practices.  A way to help me whittle my thoughts to something concise and to present progress on any visually artistic endeavors I am currently tackling.  To that end.....

This charming fellow is something I worked upon for about forty minutes.  If you are unawares, it is a Martian from the MARS ATTACKS movie/collectible card series/comic.  Their language is comprised of one word, "ACK." and they are ultimately defeated by Slim Whitman.  It is a gruesome and delightful movie.

I will share more as it progresses.  The hope is that at the end it will resemble something close to a more classically styled portrait.  We shall see.

As for the writing end, I think that will start to click back into place as I fill this blog with a bit more content.  A challenge that several friends I've made have met with bravery that rivals the gladiators of old.  The white screen is daunting, it is cold and unconcerned with how I may feel about my projects.  To that end I think I will tackle a schedule, something I can stick to beyond posting my art or feeling like I should put content on here merely to meet a goal.  How about this then.

Monday: Weekend Recap/Fathering faltering.
Tuesday: Food?
Wednesday: non food consumables like comics, books, music etc.
Thursday: Art-o-grams.
Friday: Fact Finder Friday.

The weekends might be kept free so I don't have to cut relaxing time with my family to come look at a screen, hyperventilate and die because I didn't think of anything to write.

Work for you?

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